We do it to ourselves don’t we?
We try to do it all.
We try to put everyone first and be happy about it.
We feel guilty when we don’t feel happy about it every day.
We lose when we don’t become a little selfish & we fall worse and worse for those that are around us. It is our responsibility to be selfish so we are our best for our loved ones. It is our responsibility to say “No, I don’t want to. I need a break.” Sometimes the opportunity for the things we need don’t just surprise us and we have to learn to take it.
There are a few things I have learned how to do to bounce myself out of a rut when I am feeling totally lost and like I have zero confidence in control over my life.
Who am I?
Underneath the responsibility, underneath the title of mom or wife, underneath my relatives opinions of my choices, underneath the guilt, underneath the fear of being a failure….who are you?? Think back to a time when you were genuinely happy? What hobbies did you take part in? What colors did you like? How did you feel? Why did you enjoy these things? Who were your role models or who did you idolize..and why?
Go back to the time you were authentically yourself, before all that other stuff mattered.
Certainty & Conviction
I took a personal development class and my teacher talked a lot about Certainty & Conviction. If you are certain your life isn’t where you need it to be, and your soul knows it too…you HAVE to make a change, or these things will literally eat your heart alive. Who is the person you are certain you want to be? Do you believe that is the person you truly are? What do you need to do to become that person?
Take some time to be alone
I can’t speak for everyone, but I am most definitely an introvert. Some folks would never believe it, but the times I feel most comfortable, is when I am completely alone. My best ideas are formed and I feel completely recharged after my alone time. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore meeting new people and forming new friendships, but without my alone time, I completely and mentally break down.
Don’t be afraid to Dream
Never be afraid to dream about the things you would like to come alive in your life. These are ambitions and if you are afraid of them, you will never allow yourself to be empowered to make changes or see your true path.
Embrace Knowledge & Learning
A sure fire way to get yourself excited about life is to learn something new! Take a class, throw on a happy podcast, read a book…something that will inspire your desire to live again or inspire you to reach a goal.
Reach Out
Make a new friend. Don’t be afraid to reach out to new people. Compliment someone in the grocery store or Drive-thru. Build connections and this will build your confidence. People naturally need connections and relationships to thrive. Build them and your life will change.
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