We’ve heard common myths and fears from people about why they don’t do boudoir. It’s time to
get rid of those fears once and for all!

We know it’s intimidating to do something you’ve never done before. But in all honesty, there’s
nothing to worry about. It’s normal to be too shy and nervous. Trust me. I have
been there and continue to wade through rough waters myself. Being nervous however, simply means you’re out of your comfort zone. But growth and confidence cannot exist in an environment with fear. Don’t waste your energy on what could go wrong, but instead, have curiosity for what could go right!
Another fear is… not having anything to wear. Come on! Now is the time to shop and have fun!
If anything else, wear nothing; if being completely nude is comfortable. If not, then welcome to
the no-pants club and bring your favorite oversized t-shirt! Remember, I have been a boudoir photographer for 7 years at this point and can make magic happen with a simple bed sheet as well.

If you’re worried about showing your body in front of a stranger (me, the photographer), here’s my
advice: A good boudoir photographer won’t ever push you. We are not here to change your mind about having a boudoir session, but to be your hype woman when you are considering one. If you aren’t comfortable yet, I will
recognize that and work with it. I have photographed 100s of women and have a system in place to help break down those walls and have YOU feeling ready!
If you think you aren’t going to feel sexy, think again. You won’t look ridiculous. I promise. With my
guidance, you’re going to look amazing.
One of the most common and silly fears is caring what others might think. This is for you. You
don’t have the same mindset as everyone else, nor should you. Not everyone will understand
why you want to do it. Don’t live for others. Instead, live for yourself and don’t limit that life to
what others might say or think.

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